"...You can change. Wrap your mistakes in a cocoon and let them die, and emerge a butterfly..." -efy 2009 song

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Passports are expensive!!!

I'm mad at the government for making us pay so much just to prove that we are eligible to travel outside the U.S. Did you know that passports cost around $150.00?? *sigh* Guess I'd better start saving up. :]

Smart little pup!

Watch this video...its hilarious!!! I mean no political offense by posting this. I promise! But this dog is funny!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Getting started...

So, I was trying to figure out what to name my blog and "Metamorphosis" seems fitting.  Essentially, metamorphosis implies change. My life is constantly changing. I am constantly trying to become who I want to be. I am in the process of metamorphosis. Stay tuned! =D