"...You can change. Wrap your mistakes in a cocoon and let them die, and emerge a butterfly..." -efy 2009 song

Thursday, May 19, 2011

It's worth a try!!

The prophet Gordon B. Hinckley was an active optimist. Although he was fully aware that the future would hold it's fair share of adversity, he also said, "I am an optimist. I think the future looks good." His faith was unflinching. He would repeatedly assure and encourage others to "Keep trying...Be believing. Be happy. Don't get discouraged. Things will work out." Think about that statement for a moment..................Isn't that a great attitude!? Optimism is quite contageous in nature. When someone smiles at you, isn't it hard not to feel happy inside and smile back? Optimism is the same way. When you come in contact with someone who is full of positive energy and zeal, their cheerful disposition rubs off onto you and you automatically walk away in a better mood than you might have been in before. Now flip the coin. YOU are the optimist. Doesn't it feel great to make other people feel good and brighten their day? Then, let's put this observation to the test. This week, month, year, and the rest of our lives, let's strive to let our optimism shine! I think when we are happy and optimistic the little things that might normally annoy or bother us, might not seem as bad. Plus, isn't happiness all around easier and more fun than sadness? Afterall, it is a proven fact that it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile. :)  So, be happy! SMILE BIG!! :) And have a wonderful day. :D

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! Thanks for the reminder and example of this!
