"...You can change. Wrap your mistakes in a cocoon and let them die, and emerge a butterfly..." -efy 2009 song

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ah, the joy of a little sister!

She is so hilarious. I just love her! She always brightens my day. Well, most of the time anyway! The other times she is getting into my stuff in my room. :) Anyways...this morning, she was sitting on my mom's lap and being crazy, as usual. She and my mom were exchanging comments and my favorite part of the conversation went like this:
Mom: Why do I love you so much?
Alyssa: Because you lost your glasses!
Mom: Do you still love me even when you say you hate me?
Alyssa: Uh.....yeah.
She is so funny! I don't know where in the world she got her sense of humor. She loves making us laugh. :)


  1. Little sisters are always so cute at that age. It's when they get older you have to start beating on them. ;)

    I was just kidding with the beating on them thing.

  2. P.S.S
    I like the new back round, it's very nice!

  3. Haha, that's adorable. Alyssa is a cute girl.

    I especially like the whole glasses part. That's SO logical.

  4. Haha yeah she's a keeper! lol. Megan-thanks! I thought the leaves would give my blog a touch of autumn splendor! Nina-I know, right? She is so witty!

  5. Ah, Alyssa. I am excited to see what she's like at our age. ^_^

  6. That is going to be neet, but we will all be in our twentys when she is in her teens... wow.

    Nina, we are going to need that time machine you have been working on right about now. ;)

  7. Haha yeah I've thought of that too! She'll be a spunky teen, that's for sure! I'll have to tell all the boys to look out! =) Yes, Nina, hurry and finish that time machine!! Hey that would be so awesome! Then I could look into my future and see who my future husband is. That would make things easier! Or just more complicated...I don't know. But then again, that would kinda ruin the whole fun of college dating wouldn't it? hmmm. =)

  8. It would ruin EVERYTHING if you knew who you were going to marry before you met him. You'd be so preoccupied with the fact that he's going to be with you forever and you'd be so stressed to be perfect around him, you'd probably end up fighting instead... It'd ruin everything...

    You shall not abuse my Time Machine, Ambry!! It SHALL be used for the Good of Mankind!

  9. We ARE going to use it for the good of man kind... we just have to take it on a test drive frist and see if it works. And then you can go and save the world from an evil something or other.

  10. Sisters are the best!!! You'll be best friends forever.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.


    - S. Tolman

    Okay, I never had a little sister to deal with--just little daughters that grow up too fast! Just in case you are wondering, Ambry came out of the womb a half-teen. (Although she did not start growing hair until after she was one year old—people thought she was a boy!) Also, she was speaking in complete, logical sentences at one year old. When we took her shopping, people would look at her puzzled. One cashier queried with disbelief, “Did she just say that?” Ambry has always stolen people’s hearts with her ability to communicate with, and show love for, people of all ages and sorts.

  13. Nina- yeah, you're right. After much thought, I've decided I'd rather let time tell those kinds of things. No rush. =D Don't worry...you're time machine, when prepared, shall only be used with care and responsibility only for the complete and utter good of all mankind!!! =D

    Yes, Sister Fitzgerald, I believe Alyssa and I have been left with no other choice than to be bonded as sisters forever! But I wouldn't change that for the world!

    Daddy, thanks! By the way, I like the line you came up with about time. Very deep. =)
