"...You can change. Wrap your mistakes in a cocoon and let them die, and emerge a butterfly..." -efy 2009 song

Monday, November 8, 2010

Looking inside...

I have come to the conclusion that I am a very indecisive individual. I love being myself and being independand, but I don't like making decisions. Well, certain ones anyway...I've also decided that I am the type of person who always wants to fix everything. And I mean EVERYTHING!! As most of you may know, that is pretty much impossible. So, I've been looking inside myself lately. I've decided while I can't make everything all better, if I have a positive outlook, things will automatically seem better. You, know, it will make things easier to deal with or not as hard to understand. Does that make any earthly sense???


  1. Yes, yes it makes sense, Ambry. :) I'm glad you're changing your attitude, too. I hate making decision's as well, and this is good inspiration for me to change my outlook. :D

  2. I'm glad you know what I'm trying to say!!

  3. You know Ambry, indecision may or may not be a problem for me as well. ^_^

  4. Yeah I totally know what you mean...or maybe I don't?! =D

  5. Ah thinks I'ma havin' a dif'cult time decid'n ef I should choose ta consider postin' a comment . . . . . . . . . . . Ah, dag-burn gooseberries! Gran'pappy was the same way! . . . . . . well, um at least I'ma thinking he was . . . . maybe? ;)
